Project Trust

What is Project Trust?

Project Trust has been giving young adults ages 17-25 the opportunity to volunteer abroad since 1967. The place volunteers in areas where they are most likely to make the biggest impact. For example, if they can speak Spanish then they will be placed in a Spanish speaking country. Project Trust aims to improve confidence, resilience and leadership in all the volunteers. All projects have 2 people so you will be partnered up with someone for the year so you are not by yourself.

Volunteering with Project Trust allows you to grow and learn as an individual but also gain knowledge about other cultures. Being fully involved in your community allows you to have the best time and get the most out of your time in your project.

As a volunteer, your project can include teaching or youth development if you want to have a role outside of a formal setting.

Where can I volunteer?

Project Trust offer 8-12 month placements in Africa, Asia and Latin America. There are 67 different countries volunteers can go to; due to Covid-19, many of the countries closed but they are all reopening gradually. These are the countries that are currently open/will be opening later this year:


  1. Ghana
  2. Malawi
  3. Senegal
  4. South Africa
  5. Zambia
  6. Namibia
  7. Botswana


  1. Thailand
  2. Cambodia
  3. China
  4. Japan
  5. Nepal


  1. Honduras
  2. Chile
  3. Brazil
  4. Peru
  5. Dominican Republic

The process volunteering with Project Trust:

The first step is to complete an online application form. If they think that you will be a good fit, you will be invited to take part in an online selection course.

During the selection course, you meet some of the staff and also a small group of candidates. You learn more about Project Trust, teach a lesson, perform a presentation to the group, take part in problem solving and also have a short interview at the very end of the course. The reason why you need to take part in the selection course is so that Project Trust can get to know you and make sure you are well suited to be a volunteer. If you are successful, Project Trust will send you an email with the possible countries you will go to and information about what you need to do next.

To be able to volunteer, you will need to fund raise a certain amount of money depending on the length of your project. This money is used to support you while you are abroad (e.g. it is used to pay for your flights and gives you a living allowance). It is your choice how you fund raise; whether this includes cake sales, car washes, sponsored walks, quiz nights or even a concert - whatever you are passionate about, you can find a way to turn that passion into a fundraising event.

A few weeks before your flight, you attend a Training course on the Isle Of Coll. This prepares you for your time abroad and you also get to meet your project partner and everyone else going to your chosen countries as well as other countries that are similar. 

It is then time for you to travel and start your placement! You may think that 8-12 months is a long time but time flies quicker than you think.

Once you return from your project, you then take part in a Debriefing course back on the Isle Of Coll. You get to meet up with everyone from your country and other countries. You also get to share your experience and hear abut all the other countries, this is a time where you reflect on your placement.

If you want to find out more, click the link below which will take you directly to the Project Trust website: